Creating Consent Culture Book Club
Tue, Aug 09
Many of us are looking for ways to connect in a more sex positive way, but how do you do that in a safe sane and consensual manner?

Time & Location
Aug 09, 2022, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM PDT
About the Event
Many of us are looking for ways to connect in a more sex positive way, but how do you do that in a safe sane and consensual manner? Teaching consent can be challenging and awkward. Talking about consent violations and how to avoid them can be stressful and triggering. We make it easier!
The book offers engaging and interactive exercises that teach the basics of consent in a fun and age appropriate way for teens and tweens. Young people come away with practical skills and tools to improve all of their interactions for years to come.
It’s full of ideas for creating safer spaces for teaching boundaries through events, games, and talking exercises. If you’re interested in creating a more sex positive world, join us for one or all of our bi-weekly online discussions on Tuesdays 6:30pm - 8pm PST.
August 9 | 6:30 - 8pm PST
Discussion on Chapters 1 - 3 (pages 0 - 54)
Introduction, How to Use This Book
Our Stories
What is Consent Culture?
Laying the Groundwork
August 23 | 6:30 - 8pm PST
Discussion on Chapters 4 - 6 (pages 55 - 86)
Creating the Container
“No” Is a Complete Sentence
But it’s Hard to Say No!
September 6 | 6:30 - 8pm PST
Discussion on Chapters 7 - 9 (pages 87 - 116)
What if I’m a Maybe?
Change Your Mind
Consent is Collaboration
September 20 | 6:30 - 8pm PST
Discussion on Chapters 10 - 12 (pages 117 - 146)
Asking for What You Want Is Hard
Like a Deer in the Headlights
Backup, Not Backlash
October 4 | 6:30 - 8pm PST
Discussion on Chapters 13 - 14 (pages 147 - 166)
Taking it Online
When Is the Hug Over?
Practice, Practice, Practice
October 18 | 6:30 - 8pm PST
Consent Workshop Activities
What we’ll do:
We’ll have an hour and a half to discuss each section over zoom. Please feel free to talk, share, or just listen!
Do I need to read the book and show up *every* week to join?
NO! Jump in and out at your own pace! This is an OPEN GROUP, please just show up!
Will this group meet in person or offline?
This group will only meet online
Book Club Funder
If you're financially able please choose this option to help support SPW and SP chapters
Pay what you wantSale endedMoneyless Access
Money would be a barrier for me to attend so I am choosing this option, or I have made arrangements with my local chapter
$0.00Sale ended