SPW Book Club - Love's Not Colorblind
Sat, Oct 02
Join us with for our book club and discussion

Time & Location
Oct 02, 2021, 12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
About the Event
Come virtually join us for a series of online sex positive book club discussions. The book we will be exploring is “Love’s Not Color Blind” by Kevin A Patterson. All are welcome, whether you’ve read the section or not, please join us for the discussion!
About the book:
The issues that make monogamous dating daunting for people of color—shaming and exclusion by white partners, being fetishized, having realities of everyday racism ignored—occur in polyamorous relationships too, and trying "not to see race" only makes it worse. To make polyamorous communities inclusive, we must all acknowledge our part in perpetuating racism and listen to people of color. Love's Not Color Blind puts forward the framework—through research, anecdotal testimony, and analogy—for understanding, identifying, and confronting racism within polyamorous communities.
What we’ll this week do:
Every Saturday in October we’ll have an hour and a half to discuss each section over zoom. Please feel free to talk, share, or just listen!
October 2nd Beginning Stuff and Alternative Lifestyles Be Like. . . (pages 1 – 36)
Disclaimer One: The “Bookening. . ."
Disclaimer 2: Electric Boogaloo. . .
The Format of This Book. . .
Forced Ambassadorship
Presentation and the Angry black Intentional Communities
Why Does it Matter?
October 9th Barriers for Entry Pt 1 (Pages 37 – 64)
White Feminism and Polyamory
Dating Preferences
October 16th Barriers for Entry Pt 2 (Pages 65 – 104)
Breakdowns In Representation aka White People Shit
Class. . .
October 23rd Fostering Inclusivity. . . For White Folks (Pages 105 – 126)
Owning your Shit. . .
Don’t Pander. . .
Engage Intentional Planning
Joint Events
October 30th Fostering Inclusivity. . . For People of Color (Pages 127 – 158)
Show Up. . . Or Don’t. . .
Your Events Are Yours
Making Your Own Group
Start Creating
End Notes
Schedule: (PST)
12pm – Zoom room opens
12:05pm – Opening Circle and introductions
12:30pm – Open discussion (Jamie will moderate)
1:30pm – Closing remarks and announcements 9:30pm – End of book club
Do I need to read the book and show up *every* week to join?
NO! Jump in and out at your own pace! This is an OPEN GROUP, please just show up!
Will this group meet in person or offline?
This group will only meet online
About the Author:
Kevin Patterson has been practicing ethical nonmonogamy for 15 years and is an active member of the Philadelphia polyamory community. He is the creator of the Poly Role Models project, an interview series that serves as a platform for the diversity of our relationship structures and the people within them to shine through. Find him on Instagram @polyrolemodels
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